ジェイソン・モーガン 客員研究員

- 論文 “The Human Person in Confucianism: Triadic Relationships and the Possibilities of an Agapastic Semeiotic Pragmatism,” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (December, 2020)
- 論文 「「ワシントン海軍軍縮条約」の当時から学べる教訓:中華人民共和国の本質を見極めることに向かって」日本戦略研究フォーラム「季報」Vol. 24, April, 2020
- 論文 (with Ezaki Michio) “Saving China, Losing China: The Transformation of a Prewar to Cold War Information Regime,” in Jason Morgan, ed., Information Regimes and the Cold War in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2020)
- 論文 “The Club of Rome in East Asia: US-Led Population-Control Information Regimes and Waging the Cold War in the Far East,” in Jason Morgan, ed., Information Regimes and the Cold War in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2020)
- 論文 「「風穴が空いた」アメリカ人の中国像─中国に対する疑惑の深まりと、対日歴史戦への無知」 歴史認識問題研究 no. 6, Spring, 2020
- 論文 “Kumazawa Agonistes: The Right of Conquest and the Rise of Democratic Ideology (Parts I & II),” Reitaku Review, vols. 25 & 26 (2019, 2020)
- 論文 “Reflections on a Secular Age: Dharmaśāstric and Confucian Social Orderings,” Society, 2020
- 論文 “A Practical Approach to Legal-Pluralist Anarchism: Eugen Ehrlich, Evgeny Pashukanis, and Meaningful Freedom through Incremental Jurisprudential Change,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol. 23 (2019)
- 論文 “The State, Law, Religion, and Justice in Cicero’s The Republic and The Laws: An Aristotelian-Thomistic Interpretation,” Studia Gilsoniana, vol. 8, no. 3 (July–September 2019)
- 論文 “Jacques Ellul’s ‘Technique’ and Walker Percy’s ‘Alienation’: On the Necessity of their Complementarity,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, vol. 41, no. 4 (Winter, 2019)
- 論文 “Kikuta Noboru and Adoption Law in Japan,” Reitaku University Journal, vol. 102 (2019)
- 論文 “The Great Kantō Earthquake and Suehiro Izutarō’s Shift from Institutional to Interventionist Reform Efforts in Taishō Japan,” Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 26 (2018)
- 論文 “Catholic Critiques of Statism in Interwar Japan: Minoda Muneki, Suehiro Izutarō, and Tanaka Kōtarō,” Logos, vol. 21, no. 3 (Summer, 2018)
- 論文 “‘Guilty of Holiest Crime’: Antigone and Yasukuni in Theory and History,” Reitaku Review, vol. 24 (2018)
- 論文 “The Pro-Life Movement in Japan,” Society, vol. 54, no. 3 (June, 2017)
- 論文英訳 Mizoguchi Yūzō, “Another May Fourth,” and “The Ming-Qing Transition as a Time of Change,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 17, no. 4 (2016)
- 論文 A Descent from Equality to Egalitarianism,” Robert M. Whaples, Michael C. Munger, and Christopher J. Coyne, eds., In All Fairness: Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity (Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 2019)
- 論文 “No Refuge from Modernity? Russell Kirk, Michigan, and the Intersections of American and Japanese Conservatisms,” Michigan Historical Review, vol. 41, no. 1 (Spring, 2016)
- 論文 “Debs is Different: How Rerum Novarum can Help Us Reassess the Nature of Labor History in the United States,” Modern Age, vol. 57, no. 1 (Winter, 2015)
- 英訳 Hata Ikuhiko, Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone (Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books, 2018)
- 単著 Law and Society in Imperial Japan: Suehiro Izutarō and the Search for Equity (Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2020)
- 編集 Information Regimes and the Cold War in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2020)
- 単著 『アメリカはなぜ日本を見下すのか』、2016年
- 共著英訳『英語対訳で学ぶ日本・歴史と文化の111項目』育鵬社、2017年
- 論文 “The Great Reitaku Switcheroo: Zoom Classes as Real—Not Virtual—Learning Experiences,” JALT CUE Circular, 第12巻、2021年、麗澤大学准教授クリステいーコリンズと共著
- 論文「アメリカにおける歴史認識と暴力的革命との繋がり」『歴史認識問題研究』第8巻、2021年
- 論文 “From Wide Awake to Woke: Anti-Establishment Politics and the Dangers of Political Corruption,” 『麗澤大学紀要第』104巻、2021年 (査読あり)
- 論考 “National Reparations Can’t Create Justice, But Local Ones Might,” Public Discourse 2021年7月
- 論考 “On Casuistry,” Philosophy Now, 第141号、2020年・2021年
- 論文 “‘New Left’ no enkaku to Beikoku no ‘han-Nichi’ shisō no seiritsu,”『歴史認識問題研究』第9巻、2021年