古川 範和 客員研究員

- No.63 永安幸正先生追悼文 「至誠の師・永安幸正先生」 2009年2月
- No.73 研究ノート 「MORAL-SCIENCE 2.0 『モーラルブレイン:脳科学と進化科学の出会いが拓く道徳脳研究』を読む」2014年9月
- No.79 論文「利他の意味を問う─メタ倫理学と規範倫理学のアプローチ ─」2017年5月
- Furukawa, N. (2015). A Moralogical Perspective on Economic Thought: The Origin and Relevance to Modern Times. Studies in Moralogy: The Forum for Ethical and Moral Studies, 74, 19-54.
- 図書紹介「伊東俊太郎 染谷 臣道 編著 『収奪文明から環流文明へ-自然と人類が共生する文明をめざして』」『比較文明研究』第18号、2013年6月
- Furukawa, N. (2016). Innovation of Social Decision-Making Systems for Sustainability: From the Perspective of Human Social Systems Theory. The Sixth International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics World Congress. Shanghai.
- Furukawa, N. (2017). The Policy Process of the Enactment and Amendment of Logistics Integration and Efficiency Act of Japan (Master’s Thesis). Tokyo: The University of Tokyo.
- Takahashi, K., Kudo, S., Tateishi, E., Furukawa, N., & Nordqvist, J. (2018). Identifying Context-specific Categories for Visualizing Livability of Cities: A Case study of Malmö. An international peer reviewed journal. Challenges in Sustainability, 6(1), 52–64.
- Furukawa, N., & Onuki, M. (2019). The design and effects of short-term rental regulation. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-16.
- Valenzuela, V. P. B., Samarasekara, R. S. M., Kularathna, A. H. T., Perez, G., Norikazu, F., Crichton, R. N., … & Motoharu, O. (2019). Comparative analysis of tsunami recovery strategies in small communities in Japan and Chile. Geosciences, 9(1), 26.
- Furukawa, N. (2020). Toward a Sustainable Ride on the “Perennial Gale of Creative Destruction”: Adaptive Governance of Short-Term Rentals. Doctoral Thesis Submitted to the University of Tokyo.
- Furukawa. N. (2022). Challenges in Big Data and Traditional AI. In Nakayama, K. & Jeno, G. Federated Learning with Python: Design and implement a federated learning system and develop applications using existing frameworks. London: Packt.